UISG Plenary 2016

UISGPlenary: Weaving Global Solidarity for Life


In the city of Rome it is performing the Plenary Assembly of the UISG, and our Superior General Mother Vittoria Valentino is participating in this important ecclesial event that called the general superiors of the 5 continents. Below is a press release that was sent UISG in preparation for this occasion:

PRESS RELEASE –We are never alone for wherever we are we form part of one big family with the same objective, that of weaving a better life for all.”

We move closerto the XX Plenary Assembly of the International Union of Superiors General which will be held in Rome May 9-13, 2016.  854 Women Religious, who are all leaders of female congregations of apostolic life, will meet to reflect on the theme “Weaving Global Solidarity for Life.”  “…..that they may have life and have it to the full(John10:10)


Mother Vittoria Valentino – General Superior of the Sisters of Sacred Heart of Incarnated Word assiting in the Plenary of the UIGS 2016

They will gather together from 80 different countries. Some are from countries which are well known areas of conflict and war where people endure suffering and deprivation on a daily basis. Others are from countries where to be Catholic is seen by some as a threat and a reason for their persecution.

The XX Plenary Assembly is an important ecclesial event for female religious life. Guests representing a variety of Continental and National Conferences of Religious, will also attend. Their participation will help foster international and global collaboration among male and female religious.

Sr. Carmen Sammut, msola, the UISG President says:“It is every three years that we have the occasion to meet many of us, members of the UISG, together. Our theme is ‘Weaving global solidarity for life’. Our first aim is one of getting to know each other, getting to know from the inside the contexts and situations we are living in all the corners of the world. That is why meeting each other is so important. That is why we have time to share in language groups. Our speakers will help us reflect on what we live and especially to see how together we can be more effective in our actions. We will reflect on what it means to be a religious living today, living and acting in the manner of Jesus.

We have a great potential, because of our numbers and of our being immersed in all situations of our world today. We hope to be able to recognize where the Holy Spirit is leading us and to decide on some orientations and actions to be taken TOGETHER in favor of the life of our planet, of marginalized people, and for a more concerted and inter-congregational commitment as religious. We will also celebrate the 50 years of life of the UISG and remember with gratitude all those who have brought it to its mature existence today.

We hope to come out of the assembly full of enthusiasm for our vocation, knowing that we are never alone for wherever we are we form part of one big family with the same objectives, that of weaving a better life for all. Indeed ‘that they may have life, and have it to the full.’ (John 10,10)”

The Plenary Assembly provides the opportunity to listen to 854 living stories telling about each of their Congregations deep and unending commitment to patiently weave a better life for all. Religious women minister in schools, clinics and hospitals, are present in an enormous variety of community development and social projects in cities and towns, in rural and jungle areas accompanying and empowering women, men and children. They are to be found within global Institutions such as the United Nations. As members of NGOs or in community based projects they work in collaboration with religious men and lay people in favor of the dignity of all human life. They stand against the trafficking of persons and all the other forms of contemporary slavery. They are present at the existential frontiers and the new borders of migration and exclusion. Many religious women are witnesses of hope in situation of conflict, separation and violence: they are a living testimony of God’s passion for humanity.

The UISG Plenary Assembly aims to animate, support and encourage the Superiors of Women Religious to continue to be a voice and prophetic witness in the Church and in the world and to strengthen inter- congregational and collaborative action and witness. That is why the Assembly is an important event.

Other meetings are planned before and after the Plenary Assembly:

A workshop on Canon Law for Superiors General will be held in Rome on May 6-7, where topics such as restructuring within congregations, stewardship of funds, ongoing formation and relationships with the local Church will be discussed;

The Council of Delegates Meeting: 60 Delegates representing the 35 worldwide Constellations of UISG (groupings of members in geographic regions), that will be held on May 16-17 in Rome. Delegates meet to coordinate and strengthen their worldwide network and to elect the UISG President and Executive Board who will direct the Union for next three years.

Rome, May 3, 2016

Patrizia Morgante

UISG Communication Office
