News of the Argentina’s Delegation

2016 had a beautiful beginning for the sisters of the Argentinian Delegation where our Superior General Mother Vittoria Valentino, arrived from Italy with Sister Rosalba Pirrone who will now be part of the community in Buenos Aires. Also Sr. Cristina Dos Santos arrived from Brazil and they are now waiting for Sister Hortensia Da Silva to arrive in March  from Brazil  This arrival of the new sisters will strengthen our presence in Argentina, guaranteeing a more qualified presence towards our brothers and sisters in need.

The Annual Assembly of the Argentinian Delegation was held on January 24/25. During that time the Mother presented the Acts of the Fifth Inter-chapter Assembly  held in Brazil in December 2015.  The sisters reflected  on the themes of the Assembly together and on the way-ahead for  2016.

At the end of the Assembly on January 26th, all the sisters made a pilgrimage to the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lujan, patron of Argentina, to celebrate the Jubilee of Mercy.

In Lujan, the Mother and each sister put the whole Congregation into the hands and under the protection of Our Blessed Mother, thanking The Lord for all the graces given to the Congretation and asking graces for the whole world.