“We are not alone in the world!
We can extend the hands and
create bridges
giving new opportunities and a better life
to babes”
The project “ADOPTION AT DISTANCE” is an initiative promoted by the Institute of the Sacred Heart of the Incarnate Word. About six years ago and was strongly desired by the Superior General – Mother Vittoria Valentino – leading by the Nuns, the collaborators and above all from You who participate. Today the project involves numerous people and Families in Italy and it is the guarantee not only for materials, nourishment but for psychological help to more than 350 children victims of a social reality that is characteristic of Argentina particularly on the Province of Chaco swept away by poverty, penury, unemployment, hunger and abandonment institutional.
This instrument of solidarity was born small and as an integrate part of the missionary work, widely hard working in that region and its proved to be important not only as a source for primary needs ( garments, food, instruction etc) but the effect over the kids. An example: through the mailing correspondence they catch and understand the presence of the patrons and patroness that think on them from afar. That they have concern on them. That they with one’s heart think for them future…
The ADOPTION AT DISTANCE often is a way of return, to give back the hope. The warmth that ties the Families of the adopters and the children is a witness of a serene and possible life.. Adoption at distance represents your contribution to our tentative to offer to the children a real possibility to development and a healthy and serene growth.