News of Bahia-Brazil

“I am the vine and you are the branches. He who remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit; because without me you can do nothing”
John 15, 5

On November 05, 2022, the first stage of the Parish Assembly of the Nossa Senhora da Glória Parish took place in Andaraí-BA.
Illuminated by the text of John 15, 1-11 (The Vine and the branches), we reflected on the importance of being connected with the true Vine that is Christ, because without Him we can do nothing. After the moment of prayer, everyone was invited to participate in a dynamic motivated by Sr. Angela to look at the existing fruits in her community, in the pastorals and how each member keeps their eyes fixed on Christ and are rooted in Him to produce fruits.

Then the parish priest Father Valmir reflected on the meaning of being a Parish, of being a community that lives in harmony and in communion with Christ and with others.
He crowned this day the Eucharistic celebration with the entire community present.