The gift of Sister Celina Guido

“Come bride of Christ, receive the crown that has always been prepared for you.”

 November 20, 2020, our dearest Sister Celina Guido passed away to the house of the Father after 80 years of religious consecration and 100 years of life, completed last October 7. Covid19 took another victim, but we gained another saint in heaven. Sister Celina was a great gift to our religious family, to the communities where she has been assigned, the last in Cerisano where she celebrated her 100th birthday, and with the participation of the Bishop Mons. Nolè, the Mayor Lucio di Gioia and other sisters and friends.

Here are some testimonies that “was served hot” as it arrived to us:

After a life lived in fidelity, the eternal embrace with the Bridegroom.

My soul exults and rejoices in the Lord, because in the journey of my life I met Sister Maria Celina, by birth named Rosaria Guido. A religious of the Institute of the Sacred Heart of the Incarnate Word, she lived her mission as a consecrated woman for many years in silent work and humble hiding, in the house of Cerisano Thank you Sister Celina for your great faith interwoven with hope and joy. Thank you for your great love and dedication reserved for the children, girls and young guests of Mother Carmela’s family. You have been a mother, a sister, a friend capable of accepting merits, sharing joys and sufferings, of making your heart beat to the rhythm of that of the young women entrusted to you. Thank you for your incessant prayer, interwoven with the word of God, a great love for the Virgin Mary and a serene abandonment. Thank you for your free and freeing presence, for your smile, for your disinterest in success and giving the first place to make others happy. Dear Sister Celina, you will remain like a drop of dew on a desert leaf. You will remain in the hearts of all of us because you have sown only Love. Goodbye in God, Sister Celina.

Carmelo of Cerisano

And so, on a drizzly November afternoon, we learn that dear and sweet Sister Celina left this earthly world to return to the Father’s Home. At the stroke of her magnificent 100 years, a hard test was presented before her. With faith and without ever abandoning that sweet and discreet smile that distinguished her, she prepared herself for the encounter with the Heavenly Father. Sister Celina leaves in the heart of each one of us a shining example of goodness, prayer, sacrifice, dedication, obedience. We recommend her with sincere affection to the Lord and pray that He will welcome her into the joy of his eternal dwelling. We express our deepest condolences to all the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of the Incarnate Word.

A great woman leaves our community … With her silent and humble prayer she was able to be closed to all of us. His only concern was that everyone got what their hearts wanted. It was a great blessing for those who met you and had the honor of keeping their hands tight to yours. This was your usual greeting for everyone. Extend your hands to welcome us and enlighten us with your eyes that transmitted the True love of God. Thank you for having witnessed the Faith in God in our community. Thank you for your smiles. We are sure that now, next to your Spouse, you will be even more resplendent and from there you will continue to pray for us. Goodbye in God Sister Celina.