With full hands

Ayutla, 03/04/2020

The Pandemic that for some months has spread to all countries of the earth, with its consequences visible to the eyes of all, has also reached our dear Mexico.

This new reality has also affected the life of our community and has touched the hearts of each of us.

We, Sisters of the Sacred Heart of the Incarnate Word, fully inserted in the life of the Church and, specifically, in the parish life of Ayutla, have helped, with joy and availability, to prepare and distribute about a thousand goods to the most needy families in our municipality.

The Lord that has allowed us to live and to unite an experience of life and light to many news of death and dark shadows, be forever blessed and loved in every corner of the Earth.

In this Lent 2020, a strong and purifying time, we have intensified the prayer of demand, intercession and praise; we have made an experience of our creativity with its vulnerabilities and potentials and experienced the freedom to choose every day, which position to take in the face of this global health crisis.

Our religious family is rich of bright examples of nuns who gave their lives for others. First  of them was our beloved foundress, Mother Carmela Prestigiacomo; she who with her gestures and words has sown so well in the lives of numerous children, men and women of her time.

Mother Carmela knew how to look at every situation and person with the eyes and heart of God.

The foundress, through the works of mercy, gave to everyone the “Supreme Good” as she used to call it in her writings.

Mother Carmela contemplated in concrete action the reconnection of man with the true merciful face of God the Father. She always lived united to Jesus, to the Sacred Heart and everything, absolutely everything, had lived it starting from this presence. She was never alone, never.

We believe that the Lord continues to incarnate himself in the lives of people who in this moment struggle, suffer and give their lives. We who have the grace to approach physically, by telephone and via Internet many needy families, we pray together to the whole Church, so that they too, through a concrete good, can discover and contemplate Jesus, Supreme Good, alive and present besides them .

The Good is an everyday decision. The good is like a boomerang that always comes back… with full hands.

Hna.  Anna Lenti