Annunciation of the Lord

March 25th – Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord, our sisters in the Holy Land went on pilgrimage to Nazareth together with the men and women Religious of the Giudea Region to celebrate the Year of Consecrated Life.

20150325_093956Patriarch Fuad Tual celebrated a Solemn Mass, together with the Bishops of the Holy Land and over one hundred priests.

The Jubilee Anniversaries of the sisters who were celebrating their 60th, 50th and 25th year of profession were remembered in a special way especially Sister Clementina who is celebrating her 60th anniversary this year.

20150325_120122From Nazareth they visited the Lake of Tiberia and the pilgrimage ended with a boat-trip  along the mystical lake with moments of prayer, reflection and recreation.