Mother Carmela Prestigiacomo: VENERABLE

Madre Carmela Prestigiacomo:  is pronounced VENERABLE!

On Saturday, January 17th, at 12 noon, in the Cathedral in Palermo, Italy, a Solemn Eucharistic Celebration was presided by Cardinal Angelo Amato, Prefect of the Congregation for the Cause of the Saints, during which time the Decree on the Venerability of Carmela Prestigiacomo was proclaimed. (Read here the Decree: Decreto Venerabilità )

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Cardinal Paolo Romeo, Archbishop of Palermo, Monsignor Raspanti, Bishop of Acireale, Monsignor Pietro Maria Fragnelli, Bishop of Trapani, Don Enzo Gabrieli, postulator, and 30 other priests concelebrated. The Cathedral was overflowing with the faithful, along with followers of Mother Carmela who came from other countries, the sisters of the Congregation, the alumni of our school and many others sisters from other religious houses.

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Cardinal Amato praised our Mother, who has been recognized as a true daughter of the Church –   she loved the priests; burned with zeal for education in the Faith, and education and contemplative life for her and her daughters.  (read the Homily here: OmeliaPrestigiacomo )

This event, marks a great milestone in the Cause towards the beatification of the Venerable, which began in 1991, and which is now being brought ahead by the Postulator Father Enzo Gabrieli, the Vice Postulator, Sister Alba Arce Cabeza, as well as our Superior General, Mother Vittoria Valentino, who together with the sisters before her, animate and accompany the entire process.


Our praise to God, -the Giver of every good.   We entrust ourselves to the maternal intercession of the Venerable Mother Carmela Prestigiacomo..