The image chosen for the XIX General Chapter of our Congregation of Sisters of the Sacred Heart of the Incarnate Word is in keeping with the theme:
“Asked by the Gospel, we live the challenge of change in a prophetic way.”
The steps are those of the risen Jesus who goes to Jerusalem, the disciple follows him, almost in a rush, because time is short and he must announce in this changing world in a prophetic way what Jesus said and did.
Jerusalem is every city and is the realm of men, but where God reigns – who loves the chosen Zion – it is His dwelling place.
Black is our reality marked by the sin, pain and challenges that the disciple continually encounters on his pilgrimage to the heavenly Jerusalem.
The olive tree, the symbol of peace, is the hope that our earthly city will one day be a garden of peace and harmony for all people. The olive tree is also the typical plant of Jerusalem, which gives the olives destined to become oil, an ointment that heals, gives beauty and is a delight to the heart of people.