Anniversary of the approval of the Institute

Today, January 27th, the Congregation of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of the Incarnate Word, commemorates the papal approval anniversary, which took place in 1930.
Our Superior General, sent us a wish for the occasion, very sensitive and full of meaning for our reality in today’s religious family who lives in the Church and the whole world.
Here are the words of Mother Vittoria Valentino:

I do the sentiments of our Venerable Mother Foundress, which certainly 87 years ago, in receiving the final approval from the Church, have been of joy and immense gratitude.
The work of God goes on, despite everything, Let us be faithful collaborators, assuming and living with courage and faith the gift of the charism that Mother Carmela has come down to us and we have been given and participated.
We live in highly precarious times, for this is the time of faith and hope, it is time to a generous donation, made of love and sacrifice, by living our day as did Christ, the Incarnate Word and Mother Carmela as summarized in his existential experience: “CONSUMED OF PURE LOVE”.
I wish me and to all of you to have this experience!


Foto d’archivio, dove P. Calì benedice le nuove suore della Congregazione. Madre Carmela sostiene in mano la Regola dell’Istituto