We praise the Lord together with our sisters of the Brazilian Province

Our sisters of the Brazilian Province of “Mother Carmela of Jesus” celebrated magnificently the conclusion of the Year dedicated to Consecrated Life.
 Sister Elisandra de Oliviera made her perpetual vows on January 31st.  On February 2nd, in the Provincial motherhouse, Sr.Rita Teixeira celebrated her 50th anniversary;  Sr. Camila Farias Parlot and Sr. Mariana Dandalt de Souza, made their First Consecration and wore the religious habit of our Congregation,  and made their temporary vows.  Sr. Cleusa de Carvalho, Provincial Superior, accepted their vows in the name of the Superior General.

With this celebration the sisters wanted to give thanks and praise  to God for His infinite goodness towards our Congregation, as He continues to make gestures of fidelity and mercy, by calling news sisters to our Religious Family and affirming the sisters who already gave their lives to Him.

Our sisters from all over the world joined  in the celebration through prayers and beautiful greetings which they sent.