World Meeting for the young consecrated

Dearest All,

We would  like to share with you the great joy we felt in the experience of comunion we lived together from 15-19 september in Rome at the international meeting for ‘young consecrated religious men and women called “Wake Up the World” – Prophecy, the Gospel and Hope. This meeting  brought us  moments of intense brotherhood, sharing and above all, left us with the desire to walk together to the Lord and towards our brothers and sisters.

The prayer vigil held on september 15h which took place in  St. Peter’s Square,  and presided by the Archbishop and Secretary S. E. Jose Rodriguez Carballo, helped us to open our hearts to receive gifts from God and in particular the gift of  re-lighting the fire of  our love for Christ constantly  through  a deep communion with Him,  and  begin again our unconditional giving of ourself to the Lord.

The Archbishop left us with three words which we willingly share with you:

Animate, be strong!

Persevere: be faithful!

And bring fruit, awaken the world!

During the various meetings which took place in the Paul VI hall, in places  located in several parishes and congregations and in  our evening walks,  we  experienced the beauty and joy to be disciples of Jesus in our specific vocation as  consecrated sisters  of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of the Incarnate Word. It is  beautiful and exciting, even if difficult, to be called, today, to be the wineskin of the Community, of  growing in fraternal life, personally and in community,  in following Jesus and the Founders –  to be a “living sign” for the culture of our times.

The words of Pope Francis were a salutary balm for all of us!  We invite you to watch the video of the Audience with the Pope on september 17th, and the other videos, pictures and  the conferences, which will soon be posted. These were given in the major languages. You can do this   by connecting  to the site:

May Mary, the Faithful Virgin and the Mother of the Incarnate Word, sustain us in our walk and help us in all the circumstances of life.

Sister Sidineia, Sister Rosa Maria, and Sister Anna