Press releases

Notizie complete verranno a conclusione del Capitolo, con la pubblicazione degli Atti Capitolari Quattordicesimo Comunicato: Oggi, 15 luglio, abbiamo dedicato la giornata ad approvare le Deliberazioni del Capitolo generale e alcuni articoli delle Costituzioni che sono stati modificati. Tredicesimo Comunicato: Nei giorni 13 e 14 ci siamo dedicate allo studio e all'approvazione della Programmazione generale, la quale indica il cammino da seguire nel prossimo sessennio. D...


The image chosen for the XIX General Chapter of our Congregation of Sisters of the Sacred Heart of the Incarnate Word is in keeping with the theme: "Asked by the Gospel, we live the challenge of change in a prophetic way." The steps are those of the risen Jesus who goes to Jerusalem, the disciple follows him, almost in a rush, because time is short and he must announce in this changing world in a prophetic way what Jesus said and did. Jerusalem is every city and is the realm of me...

Goodbye to our beloved Sister Crescenzia Torchia

Our dearest Sister Crescenzia Torchia left us for the House of the Father on June 14, 2018 – (at our convent  in Toronto, Canada and our Superior General Mother Victoria Valentino, in the name of the whole Congregation, sent her farewell greeting: Dear Sisters, dear family and friends present, "Who lives for the Lord Lives forever" We are gathered together to celebrate in praise and  with Faith the passage of my and our dearest Sister Crescenzia, from this world to the Father; yesterday at ...