Preparing for the Chritsmas for the little children of the hospital

El pasado domingo las hermanas de la comunidad de Belén acudieron al Hospital "Charitas Baby Hospital", una realidad muy especial en la zona, donde los niños son bienvenidos desde su nacimiento hasta los 6 años, con varias deficiencias, debido a la situación de este país. Desde hace algunos años, las hermanas franciscanas Elisabettinas, que están haciendo un valioso servicio allí, invitan a algunos amigos a embellecer el hospital para Navidad, este año también han invitado a nuestras hermanas...

New “Youth Group” in San Lucido, Italy

Young Group Mater Verbi Dei This year Sr. Rosa Maria of the St. Lucido community in southern Italy, organized a meeting for a group of youth who came from various cities in the province of Cosenza. The youth 18 and over, will spend time over the next year (2018),  to reflect on the theme: "Lord who are you and who am I", towards discovering the Face of Christ, and knowing oneself. Even at the first meeting  many initiatives were agreed to like going out to people on the 'existential peripher...

Our mission among the “indigenous” in Brazil

One our religious, Sister Janete de Azebedo, makes a very delicate mission among the indigenous people  in Rondonia, northwest of Brazil. The mission is to accompany, educate, fortify and defend the natives of that land that often remain groundless or exploited by the more powerful and richer of the place. A risky service in which our Congregation has long been engaged through our Brazilian sisters, coming from the south. To this mission were  also the general superior Madre Vittoria Valen...