Celebrating the Carnival

Carnival 2017 has come and in some of our communities has been celebrated with the children and the catechists. Such is the case of the community of Switzerland where Sister  Aparecida and Sister Cristina dressed to the nines with children, here are some pictures that we received: Also in the community of San Lucido, Italy, Sister Rosa Maria has delighted with the little ones and the catechists in the Carnival party:

IV Provincial Chapter in Italy

Provincia Maria Santissima dell'Annunciazione Dal 3 al 10 febbraio, si è celebrato in Sicilia, il IV Capitolo Provinciale, presieduto dalla superiora Generale Madre Vittoria Valentino. Le capitolari hanno condiviso pareri e fatto delle scelte che illumineranno il cammino della provincia per i prossimi 4 anni. Suor Maria Romana è stata confermata Superiora provinciale per un altro quadriennio, e sarà collaborata dal nuovo consiglio formato da: Suor M. Rosalba Pirrone, 1° Consiglier...

Meeting with the teachers of religion

February 1, at the General House in Rome, we had a meeting of prayer with some teachers of religion of the Vicariate of Rome, who came to visit us. The teachers have known some of us in our community of Bethlehem, where they were in January on a pilgrimage with our chaplain Father Filippo Morlacchi. By friendship has arisen, it has been proposed to have prayer meetings in the light of God's Word and they were really happy for the time lived in simplicity and fraternity. They have brough...