
At Baptism He deigned to raise me:  to be daughter, bride and disciple-missionary “The threefold call” Sister Juliana Nacimento Garcia It was enough to wait ‘for the moment of God’ in my life to understand why it seemed late.  I am Sister Juliana Nascimento Garcia, the daughter of Julio Cardoso Garcia and Ana Maria do Nascimento Garcia. I am their youngest child, my older sister Raquel is already in Heaven and my brother Juliesio is the second oldest.  I was born in Rondonia State, in a small...

World Meeting for the young consecrated

Dearest All, We would  like to share with you the great joy we felt in the experience of comunion we lived together from 15-19 september in Rome at the international meeting for 'young consecrated religious men and women called “Wake Up the World” - Prophecy, the Gospel and Hope. This meeting  brought us  moments of intense brotherhood, sharing and above all, left us with the desire to walk together to the Lord and towards our brothers and sisters. The prayer vigil held on september 15h wh...

European Episcopal Conferences in the Holy Land

The Plenary Assembly of the Council of the Episcopal Conferences of Europe, welcomed the invitation of His Beatitude the Latin Patriarch Fuad Tual  of Jerusalem, to meet in the Holy Land  from September 11-16th. The  Assembly consisted of meetings, pilgirimages and celebrations, all lived with true fraternity which reigned  throughout  the meeting which had two  themes: The person of Jesus and the sharing of joys and challenges of the Church in Europe. Pope Frances sent a message on septem...

Anniversary of Foundation. Celebration in Trapani

La nostra Congregazione delle Suore del Sacro Cuore del Verbo Incarnato ha celebrato i suoi 131 anni di Fondazione lodando e benedicendo il Signore per tanti doni ricevuti durante questo lungo tempo a servizio della Chiesa e dell'uomo. In ogni comunità le sorelle hanno rinnovato i suoi voti religiosi e hanno festeggiato en diverse maniere per questo evento. Le Suore della comunità di Casa Santa Erice, Provincia di Trapani, Italia, sono state accompagnate dalla comunità parrocchiale San...

Celebration of the Sacraments in our mission of Mexico

In our community in Ayutla, diocese of Autlan, Mexico, on september 5th, the youth of the parish of St. Michael the Archangel received the Sacrament of Confirmation. Many came from the parish community, especially the families and friends of the confirmandi.  Sister Benita and Sister Ceferina worked with all their strength to make  it a  beautiful and incisive day for the 129 youth who were making their confirmation, but above all so that they would be prepared to receive the gifts of the Hol...

The contemplation in the consacrated life and the contemplative life today

La contemplazione nella vita consacrata e la vita contemplativa oggi E' questo il tema dell'incontro sulla vita consacrata, che si è realizzato in Messico DF, dal 31 luglio al 2 agosto scorso. L'inizio di questo evento è stato segnato dalla molto partecipata celebrazione eucaristica realizzatasi nel Santuario di Nostra Signora di Guadalupe. L'incontro, a cui hanno partecipato attivamente le nostre sorelle del Messico (Suor Regina, Suor Lindi, Suor Ceferina, Suor Benita e Suor Luci...