Rosary for vocations

One different afternoon on last Saturday 5 th of February we have experienced in the the General House of the Congregation. We have prayed a meditated rosary for vocations, for every vocation in the Church, during which we harmonized reflections with symbols, which at each mystery we prayed for different vocations: family, priestly, religious, lay and missionary.  Holy Mary was enthroned in our chapel. Each sister had participated with so much faith and joy because we were in pray...

Meeting with the young people of Bahia

The Parish of Our Lady of Glory of Andaraí, Diocese of Rui Barbosa held a spiritual retreat for young people to help them recover the meaning of life and belonging to the community, thus responding to the call of God in their vocation. With the theme: Walking in faith, they walked a long way through the beautiful Chapada Diamantina, praying the rosary, singing and having fun until they reached the retreat site: Iguatu. The biblical text that accompanied them narrates the experience of two discip...

Mexico: A mission land still today

Una nostra consorella italiana, Suor Anna Lenti, ci racconta la sua esperienza missionaria nella bellissima terra messicana, dove ha trovato tanta gente stupenda e dove trascorre i suoi giorni nella fede in Dio, la sua donazione costante e la gioia di vivere per lui e per il popolo che Lui le ha affidato nella nostra comunità di Ayutla: Mi hai chiamato, eccomi, Signore! Quando tre anni fa ritornavo in Italia dall’esperienza apostolica vissuta in Messico, appena due mesi, nel cuore mi erano rim...

Our mission among the “indigenous” in Brazil

One our religious, Sister Janete de Azebedo, makes a very delicate mission among the indigenous people  in Rondonia, northwest of Brazil. The mission is to accompany, educate, fortify and defend the natives of that land that often remain groundless or exploited by the more powerful and richer of the place. A risky service in which our Congregation has long been engaged through our Brazilian sisters, coming from the south. To this mission were  also the general superior Madre Vittoria Valen...

Mission in the Diocese of Jacarezinho – Brazil

In the week scince 10 to 18 March 2017 in the city of Wenceslau Braz, Diocese of Jacarezinho-Brazil, the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of the Incarnate Word, who accompany the youth in their journey, along with other missionaries, of different places and congregations did a vocational mission in preparation to the Priestly ordination of a Deacon belonging to the diocese cited above. The activities carried out during this week had the goal of helping young people and children, to a more conscious r...

Our mission in Mexico

In the diocese of Guadalajara, in the town of Ayutla, our sisters realize an evangelizing service among our Mexican brothers, it works in a Brazilian Sister: Sister Lindi, and two Argentine Sisters: Sister Benita and Sister Ceferina. In this period there is also one of our younger Sister came from Italy: Sister Rosa Maria, who makes experience in preparation for perpetual vows. The sisters also animate the catechesis of initiation, and in recent days, have organized the retreat for the boys a...

Retreat for teens

Nella comunità di San Lucido, domenica 13 marzo, Suor Rosa Maria Aluia ha organizzato un ritiro spirituale per i ragazzi della Cresima. Suor Rosa Maria, attraverso di alcune dinamiche, ha cercato di portare i ragazzi verso l'incontro con il Signore e con se stessi, aiutandoli a fare la preparazione immediata alla Cresima con più coscienza e libertà.

Mission in Chaco

Qualche tempo fa, le nostre sorelle dell'Argentina, hanno realizzato una missione evangelizzatrice a Drugati, provincia di Chaco.  Sono state giornate intense di visita alle famiglie, animazione giovanile e dei ragazzi, e forti momenti di preghiera. Suor Aparecida Tabares e Suor Silvia Orellano Yanzón, non hanno risparmiato le loro forze per portare avanti questa missione, recando luce e gioia a tanta cara gente assetata di Dio. Ringraziamo il Signore per l'opera che ha compiuto durante ques...