Jubilee of the 75th anniversary of Mother Carmela Prestigiacomo’s birth into heaven

Jubilee of the 75th anniversary of Mother Carmela Prestigiacomo’s birth into heaven
On March 25, the Solemnity of Mary Most Holy of the Annunciation, the Jubilee Year was inaugurated by Mother Cleusa A. De Carvalho, Superior General, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the birth in Heaven of our beloved Foundress, Venerable Mother Carmela Prestigiacomo. The Eucharistic celebration at the Mother House in Palermo was presided over by Fr. Domenico Napoli, concelebrating with ...

Throwing the nets

Throwing the nets
“Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.” Luke 5:4 To talk about vocation ministry nowadays is not easy, however, I will try to do it. This writing of mine wants to be a reflection in a loud voice that I wish to share on the reality that raises many questions in me. “Put out into deep ..." resounds in my heart as a sign of hope, there, where it seems that there is nothing. The...

News of Bahia-Brazil

News of Bahia-Brazil
“I am the vine and you are the branches. He who remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit; because without me you can do nothing" John 15, 5 On November 05, 2022, the first stage of the Parish Assembly of the Nossa Senhora da Glória Parish took place in Andaraí-BA. Illuminated by the text of John 15, 1-11 (The Vine and the branches), we reflected on the importance of being connected with ...

Rosary for vocations

Rosary for vocations
One different afternoon on last Saturday 5 th of February we have experienced in the the General House of the Congregation. We have prayed a meditated rosary for vocations, for every vocation in the Church, during which we harmonized reflections with symbols, which at each mystery we prayed for different vocations: family, priestly, religious, lay and missionary.  Holy Mary was enth...

On the synodal journey … the joy of meeting!

On the synodal journey … the joy of meeting!
Day 28 December u.s. our community in Bethlehem welcomed a small group of religious women from other congregations in order to answer some questions proposed by the USRTS (Union Superior Religious of the Holy Land) regarding the experience of communion within the local Church, in the socio-religious context and between the present religious congregations. Even if the experience of communion...

Meeting with the young people of Bahia

Meeting with the young people of Bahia
The Parish of Our Lady of Glory of Andaraí, Diocese of Rui Barbosa held a spiritual retreat for young people to help them recover the meaning of life and belonging to the community, thus responding to the call of God in their vocation. With the theme: Walking in faith, they walked a long way through the beautiful Chapada Diamantina, praying the rosary, singing and having fun until they reached the...

Testimony of Sister Gilda

Testimony of Sister Gilda
We want to share with you the beautiful testimony of our  Sister Gilda de Freitas Aguiar, who after 50 years of consecration commemorates her vocation, she talks to Sister Aurea who is guiding her in this beautiful conversation. See the video from here, the link is in Portuguese but you can understand

Testimony about Mother Pierina

Testimony about Mother Pierina
Yesterday April 29th 2020, Mother Pierina Guido went to the Father’s Kingdom. Her life it was a song to the Lord and one Sister wrote something about she, here you can read it: Keeping the lamp alight ... Remembering Mother Pierina. When you feel heartbreak for the detachment of a loved one, the mind also informs an emptiness and the words fail to express the deepest feelings and the most bea...

Homily of Fra Raniero Cantalamessa on Good Friday

Homily of Fra Raniero Cantalamessa on Good Friday
The Preacher of the Papal Household, Fr Raniero Cantalamessa, preached the Sermon, reminding everyone that God has plans for our welfare, and not woe, even in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. Below please find the full text of Father Raniero Cantalamessa's Sermon: “I HAVE PLANS FOR YOUR WELFARE AND NOT FOR WOE” Sermon for Good Friday 2020 in St. Peter’s Basilica St. Gregory the Gre...