Mission in the Diocese of Jacarezinho – Brazil

In the week scince 10 to 18 March 2017 in the city of Wenceslau Braz, Diocese of Jacarezinho-Brazil, the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of the Incarnate Word, who accompany the youth in their journey, along with other missionaries, of different places and congregations did a vocational mission in preparation to the Priestly ordination of a Deacon belonging to the diocese cited above. The activities carried out during this week had the goal of helping young people and children, to a more conscious r...

Pope Francis and the Youth

"A better world can be built also as a result of your efforts, your desire to change and your generosity" ... "Do not be afraid" to do "bold choices" ... "do not delay when your conscience asks you to take risks" ... "Make your voice heard". Is the ask of the Pope in a letter to the youth of the world with which accompanies the preparatory document of the Synod on young people, on the agenda for 2018.

IV Provincial Chapter in Italy

Provincia Maria Santissima dell'Annunciazione Dal 3 al 10 febbraio, si è celebrato in Sicilia, il IV Capitolo Provinciale, presieduto dalla superiora Generale Madre Vittoria Valentino. Le capitolari hanno condiviso pareri e fatto delle scelte che illumineranno il cammino della provincia per i prossimi 4 anni. Suor Maria Romana è stata confermata Superiora provinciale per un altro quadriennio, e sarà collaborata dal nuovo consiglio formato da: Suor M. Rosalba Pirrone, 1° Consiglier...

Anniversary of the approval of the Institute

Today, January 27th, the Congregation of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of the Incarnate Word, commemorates the papal approval anniversary, which took place in 1930. Our Superior General, sent us a wish for the occasion, very sensitive and full of meaning for our reality in today's religious family who lives in the Church and the whole world. Here are the words of Mother Vittoria Valentino: I do the sentiments of our Venerable Mother Foundress, which certainly 87 years ago, in receiving the ...

Anniversary of the death of Mother Carmela

"My last breath will be love." Today daughters of the Venerable Mother Carmela Prestigiacomo, commemorating her birth into heaven, which took place 68 years ago. Her fruitful and long life has been marked by love, an ardent love for the Sacred Heart of the Incarnate Word, who later revealed, in her love for her sisters and to all those she met, especially in childhood and the youth. Love has become the breath of her soul to the end, and it was just as well: in fact, having been ill for some ...

New Provincial Government in Brazil

Our dear sisters of the Province Mother Carmela of Jesus, in Brazil, are celebrating the VI Provincial Chapter. An event of much grace for the province and for the whole congregation who walks in the footsteps of the Foundress Mother Carmela Prestigiacomo. A highlight of the Chapter was the choice of the new provincial government. And Sister Maria Doralice Pereira was elected new Provincial Superior, Sister of great experience, with a great love to the whole Congregation and dedication to all...

The formators on the footsteps of Mother Carmela

"A return to the origins, following in the footsteps of Mother Carmela" This summer was held in Italy, the last meeting for formators of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of the Incarnate Word. This was the last of four meetings held for the forming, the major superiors and the General Council, who presided the Superior General Mother Vittoria Valentino, has wisely guided by Sister Alba Arce. The sisters, accompanied by Sister Alba went to Palermo (Sicily) and have visited the places of o...

A great mission among the “Indians”

Our Sisters: Sister Isabel de Carvalho and Sister Janete de Azebedo have went through a period in the Aboriginal communities of Rondonia, western Amazonia. They did a wonderful experience among families, especially with children. We thank God that our congregation has chosen the service of the most simple and needy, following in the footsteps of the venerable Mother Carmela, our Foundress.

UISG Plenary 2016

UISGPlenary: Weaving Global Solidarity for Life  May 07, 2016 In the city of Rome it is performing the Plenary Assembly of the UISG, and our Superior General Mother Vittoria Valentino is participating in this important ecclesial event that called the general superiors of the 5 continents. Below is a press release that was sent UISG in preparation for this occasion: PRESS RELEASE - “We are never alone for wherever we are we form part of one big family with the same objective, that of w...

Youth Day with the Pope in Rome

Per la giornata diocesana 2016, a Roma, sono venuti alcuni ragazzi della Parrocchia di San Lucido, Italia meridionale, e anche per fare il Giubileo della Misericordia. Sono stati accompagnati dalla loro animatrice, Suor Rosa Maria Aluia e accolti dalle nostre suore della comunità romana, che sono state veramente molto felici con la loro presenza. I giovani, arrivati venerdì, hanno potuto partecipare alla Via Crucis con i loro coetanei al Coloseo. Sabato hanno attraversato la Porta Sant...