Goodbye to our beloved Sister Crescenzia Torchia

Our dearest Sister Crescenzia Torchia left us for the House of the Father on June 14, 2018 – (at our convent  in Toronto, Canada and our Superior General Mother Victoria Valentino, in the name of the whole Congregation, sent her farewell greeting: Dear Sisters, dear family and friends present, "Who lives for the Lord Lives forever" We are gathered together to celebrate in praise and  with Faith the passage of my and our dearest Sister Crescenzia, from this world to the Father; yesterday at ...


Ascent to Mount “Tres Marias” with young people Sister Aparecida Tabares  arranged a  well thought out  and intrepid initiative with the catechists of the parish of Maria Madre de Dios on Saturday 5 May.   She did this in order to offer the children who are preparing for Confirmation, a new enriching opportunity,  as well as an adventure and  at the same time deepen the theme of fraternal help and the encounter with God,. They did this  by climbing the mountain “Tres Marias” in the city...

Ascent to Mount “Tres Marias” with young people

Sister Aparecida Tabares  arranged a  well thought out  and intrepid initiative with the catechists of the parish of Maria Madre de Dios on Saturday 5 May.   She did this in order to offer the children who are preparing for Confirmation, a new enriching opportunity,  as well as an adventure and  at the same time deepen the theme of fraternal help and the encounter with God,. They did this  by climbing the mountain "Tres Marias" in the city of San Juan, in Argentina. The climb  up the mountain, w...

Mexico: A mission land still today

Una nostra consorella italiana, Suor Anna Lenti, ci racconta la sua esperienza missionaria nella bellissima terra messicana, dove ha trovato tanta gente stupenda e dove trascorre i suoi giorni nella fede in Dio, la sua donazione costante e la gioia di vivere per lui e per il popolo che Lui le ha affidato nella nostra comunità di Ayutla: Mi hai chiamato, eccomi, Signore! Quando tre anni fa ritornavo in Italia dall’esperienza apostolica vissuta in Messico, appena due mesi, nel cuore mi erano rim...

New “Youth Group” in San Lucido, Italy

Young Group Mater Verbi Dei This year Sr. Rosa Maria of the St. Lucido community in southern Italy, organized a meeting for a group of youth who came from various cities in the province of Cosenza. The youth 18 and over, will spend time over the next year (2018),  to reflect on the theme: "Lord who are you and who am I", towards discovering the Face of Christ, and knowing oneself. Even at the first meeting  many initiatives were agreed to like going out to people on the 'existential peripher...

50th and 25th Consecration to God in Nazareth

The Sisters of our Congregation are enjoying days of great joy and thanksgiving to God for the recurrence of the 50th and 25th anniversary of consecration of our six sisters. For the occasion, Superior General Mother Vittoria Valentino came to the Holy Land to spend a great time of formation, prayer and visit to the holy places with the jubilants. On July 16, the feast of our Lady of Mount Carmel, the jubilant sisters with the Mother and the sisters of the community of Bethlehem, went to N...

Solemnity of the Lord’s Ascension

At Jerusalem, the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord is celebrated exactly 40 days after Easter of Resurrection, following Luke's account in the Acts of the Apostles saying this: He presented himself alive to them by many proofs after he had suffered, appearing to them during forty days and speaking about the kingdom of God… When he had said this, as they were looking on, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him from their sight.While they were looking intently at the sky as he was going, su...

Youth Witness

Costanza di Chiara in TV2000 tells, her story of conversion and of great faith began after a trip to the Holy Land. There she decided to become a doctor in order to help the people of Israel or Palestine. Prayer Vigil for World Youth Day 2017 Pompeo Barbieri tells his story: "I am not afraid any  longer  of the future and what life has in store for me.” With these words, Pompeo Barbieri concluded his witness in the Prayer Vigil with Pope Francis, in the Ba...