Month in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Trigesimo giorno: “Il Sacro Cuore di Gesù, nostro adorabile Sposo” Come ultima proposta di riflessione in questo mese, vi offriamo un programma di vita che la Venerabile scrive a una delle sue figlie: Ecco Gesù, il tuo adorabile Sposo, coronato di spine, circondato di gigli. Tienilo sempre presente al tuo sguardo, miralo continuamente e offri a Lui i gigli del tuo amore e le spine e le amarezze dei tuoi dolori, delle tue tribolazioni. Pregalo intensamente, perché ti stri...

Christ overcame death

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I would like to address to you especially in these difficult times, to meditate and pray to the school of the Venerable Servant of God Mother Carmela Prestigiacomo, Foundress of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of the Incarnate Word. A stop on the arduous journey, fraught with suffering and tears, but full of solidarity and courageous hope of those who serve animated by Love. We are all aware of it, we are experiencing unforgettable days, and despite the...

With full hands

Ayutla, 03/04/2020 The Pandemic that for some months has spread to all countries of the earth, with its consequences visible to the eyes of all, has also reached our dear Mexico. This new reality has also affected the life of our community and has touched the hearts of each of us. We, Sisters of the Sacred Heart of the Incarnate Word, fully inserted in the life of the Church and, specifically, in the parish life of Ayutla, have helped, with joy and availability, to prepare and distrib...

Lk 1,26-38

In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin engaged to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. The virgin's name was Mary. And he came to her and said, "Greetings, favoured one! The Lord is with you." But she was much perplexed by his words and pondered what sort of greeting this might be. The angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favour with God. And now, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son...

Ayutla: The land kissed by the sun and by God

The presence of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of the Incarnate Word in this land of mission continues to be a blessing and a visible sign of the "incarnate" way of loving the Word. The text of Anonymous fiammingo of the XIV century states:   “Christ has no hands but only our hands to do His work today, Christ has no feet but only our feet to lead men on His paths, Christ has no tongue but only our tongue to tell about Him to men of today, Christ has no means but only our help to br...

The Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Incarnated Word have the new General Superior

Oggi, 11 luglio, festa di San Benedetto, Patrono di Europa, dopo la solenne concelebrazione Eucaristica presieduta da  S. E. Mons. Vincenzo Bertolone, Arcivescovo di Catanzaro Squillace, le Capitolari riunite si sono recate in sala per eleggere la nuova Superiora Generale. Dopo aver invocato lo Spirito Santo, al primo scrutinio, è risultata eletta Suor Cleusa Aparecida de Carvalho, non essendo presente in Capitolo, la Superiora Generale uscente, Madre Vittoria Valentino, la contatta per telefono...

Press releases

Notizie complete verranno a conclusione del Capitolo, con la pubblicazione degli Atti Capitolari Quattordicesimo Comunicato: Oggi, 15 luglio, abbiamo dedicato la giornata ad approvare le Deliberazioni del Capitolo generale e alcuni articoli delle Costituzioni che sono stati modificati. Tredicesimo Comunicato: Nei giorni 13 e 14 ci siamo dedicate allo studio e all'approvazione della Programmazione generale, la quale indica il cammino da seguire nel prossimo sessennio. D...


The image chosen for the XIX General Chapter of our Congregation of Sisters of the Sacred Heart of the Incarnate Word is in keeping with the theme: "Asked by the Gospel, we live the challenge of change in a prophetic way." The steps are those of the risen Jesus who goes to Jerusalem, the disciple follows him, almost in a rush, because time is short and he must announce in this changing world in a prophetic way what Jesus said and did. Jerusalem is every city and is the realm of me...